CBMC Trusted Advisor Forum Logo

In a Trusted Advisor Forum, a division of CBMC Leadership Institute and Peer Advisory Groups, our mission is to reach business leaders right where they are and help them to become the leaders that God designed them to be, while building a business of excellence that glorifies God. As Chair – I am committed to providing 1-on-1 coaching and guiding Trusted Advisor Forums of 8-12 Senior Business Leaders with a focus on identifying practical solutions in the marketplace, consistent with Biblical principles, guiding one another to best practices and excellent performance. 

Our Distinctives:

  • We focus on the “whole person”
  • We help business leaders live as “Marketplace Ambassadors”
  • We have a Great Commission focus
  • Serving leaders in the marketplace for over 90 years

Leadership Training
The Lord is showing us that there is a need to conduct more frequent but shorter CBMC Trusted Advisor Forum Facilitator Webinar Trainings. This initiative will serve our men best while providing CBMC National a strategically flexible response in support of rapidly initiating new city startups. Over 200 CBMC leaders have enjoyed attending and deploying this training to equip CBMC towards Vision 650.


young guys meeting around a table


As a Christian – You have a call on your life like no other… 

And I invite you to ask yourself this:

✔ Would you like a confidential place to share your business, personal and spiritual challenges, as well as successes, with other like-minded believers?

✔ Would a regular exchange of "best practice" principles integrated with your spiritual values make a noticeable difference in your business, personal or family lives?

✔ Would a group of carefully selected peers committed to journey with you for the long run be of value as you lead your business, family and community?

✔ Are you lacking Christian strategies to handle tough issues with family, friends, co-workers, employees, customers, vendors or even competitors?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions – I can help!!

Whether it’s business, personal or family – God’s mission for my life has been clear:

“He has called me to help men discover and engage in the purpose that He created them for. As well as, to empower high impact leaders with wisdom for life – helping them discover, develop and deploy their unique gifts for kingdom purposes.”

And at this stage in my life, I’d feel blessed to have the opportunity to come alongside you to grow together as God designed us, to achieve spiritual maturity and to impact others for Christ.